FOR Parents of children between the ages of 3–21
Social Engagement ProjectSPECIAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR Enhanced Community Integration Social Recreation project
BuildAbility is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a grant from the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), in conjunction with the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) for our Enhanced Community Integration Social Recreation project. These grants were created to fund short-term projects to develop integrated and inclusive social and recreational programs for children and adolescents with and without I/DD to provide opportunities for friendship.
Our project will provide opportunities for children and siblings to interact with other children in a friendly, engaging, inclusive environment that is based on mutual interests, increasing the possibility of developing friendships outside of scheduled activities.
The project will span 7 months, from May to November, with various activities geared towards interests of the children participating. Activities and events will typically be 1-3 hours long depending on age, and will occur primarily on the weekends. Children will be matched up within age range according to interests and hobbies, and will participate in engaging and fun activities designed to promote cooperation and friendships.
Parents will have the opportunity to meet and socialize with other parents during these activities with the goal of developing those connections that will bring children together outside of a formal activity or school setting.
DDS is interested in information gathered from this project, in order to assist in developing future inclusive social experiences designed to help children form friendships. Parents will be asked to complete several short surveys during this project.
If you are interested in participating with your child in this unique opportunity, please click on the survey link below.